Panic as 33,000-litre-diesel laden tanker spills content in Lagos

Disaster was yesterday averted when a tanker laden with 33,000 liters of Automative Gas Oil (AGO) known as diesel spilled its content on Apongbon bridge, near CMS, Lagos Island, Lagos.

The incident, which occurred in the early hours of Monday caused panic and pandemonium in the area as commuters tried to avoid any disaster in the event of an explosion.

The truck was said to be moving from Mainland, towards Island, before the steering wheel removed in motion leading to its fall.The incident caused halted vehicular movement in Apongbon and environs as hoodlums scooped the leaking diesel.

An eyewitness, Akeem, said: “It happened about 7:00a.m. We were at the bus stop when we noticed the truck. We didn’t really know what happened, but when we got there we noticed that it was a tanker that fell on the bridge. The bridge was filled with diesel. It was removed at around 9:00a.m. by traffic officers.”

A bus driver said: “It was not petrol, it was diesel the tanker was carrying. I think it happened around 6:00a.m, it didn’t get to the market. It was just on the bridge that it happened. It was the driver’s steering wheel that removed. So, while he was trying to balance, the tanker fell across the bridge. No vehicle was able to use the bridge from that 7:00a.m.till 11:00a.m. The road was locked down.

“Around 10:00a.m., we noticed Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA) officials towing the tanker. Thank God there was no explosion.”




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