Man and girlfriend bite neighbour’s breast during fight

efccA mechanic, Rasaq Adeshire, 21, and his girlfriend,Yemisi Alayonde, 19, a tailor, who allegedly bite a neighbour’s breast were arraigned in Oshodi Magistrates’ Court in Lagos on Tuesday.

Adeshire and Alayonde, who reside at No. 38 Eyin Street, Mafoluku, Oshodi, Lagos, are being tried for breach of peace, conspiracy and assault.

The Prosecutor, Cpl. Kehinde Olatunde, told the court that the accused committed the offences on May 10 at their residence.

He said the accused conspired to assault one Miss Ogechukwu Okwaza by beating and biting her on the breast.

The prosecutor said “the accused, who are living together as couple jointly beat the complainant mercilessly; they also bite her on her breast, thereby inflicting injury on her.’’

Olatunde said that the complainant was in the kitchen baking cake when the duo approached her and commanded her to remove the cakes from their table.

“They ordered the complainant to leave the table she was using to bake her cake but as she was preparing another place to put the cakes, they just poured kerosine on the cakes.

“The complainant then insulted them for pouring kerosine on her cakes and the accused just descended on her, beat her up and bite her breast.

“The accused also tore Okwaza’s clothes but when she could not take the beating, after hitting Alayonde with a frying pan, the complainant shouted for help and two other neighbours came to her rescue.”

The prosecutor said the two parties had been nursing grudges toward each other but refused to disclose the cause.

The offences, Olatunde said, contravened sections 166, 171 and 410 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2011.

Section 171 prescribes a three- year jail term as penalty for offenders.

However, the accused pleaded not guilty to the offences and the Magistrate, Mr Akeem Fashola, granted them bail in the sum of N50,000 each with one surety each in like sum.

He then adjourned the case until June 19 for mention.


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