International Women’s Day: ActionAid urges FG to actualise 35 percent affirmative action on women

ActionAid Country Director, Ene Obi
ActionAid Nigeria has challenged the Federal Government to live up her commitment of 35 percent affirmative action on women inclusion in governance.

Besides, the International civil society organisation declared that no nation can progress with over 50 per cent of its population excluded in the scheme of development.

Manager, Governance at ActionAid Nigeria, Mr. Celestine Odo, made the clarion call on Tuesday while addressing various women groups as part of series of programmes marking International Women’s Day in Kano.

Worried that despite the huge number and population of women and youth in Nigeria, Odo lamented that such strategic proportion has not translated to women participation and representation in political leadership positions.

The ActionAid manager reminded that inclusive governance is only possible when women sit at decision making tables and contribute to planning and national development while finding solution to the many national challenges.

Meanwhile, a female politician in Kano, Hajiya Aisahtu Yakubu, has attributed continue bias against women in governance to male counterparts in politics, who feel women are less equal in the scheme of governance.

Yakubu worried that despite intellectual and resourcefulness of female gender in Kano, many women who had shown interest in participating in politics are being defeated by cultural and societal biases. She also regretted that women electorates have never shown equal bond and support to female contestants.

Odo, however, assured ActionAid campaign on We-You Project, will strengthen the relationship between citizens, government and politicians with the aim of engender inclusive and responsive democratic process in Nigeria.

He said the project intend to mobilise the critical mass of younger people and women engaging campaign towards translating citizens action into policy action in Kano and Kaduna.

“For our emerging democracy in Nigeria to be sustainable, all groups within the population must be actively involved in the governance process. Their voices must be heard and their experiences and expertise utilised for the optimal growth and development of the country.

“Therefore, we must break the bias that limit women’s active participation in politics and governance process.

On this occasion to mark the 2022 International women’s Day with the theme ‘Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow’, the campaign for inclusion of women and young people, in political and governance processes We-You Pro call for greater participation of women in politics and governance,” Odo said.


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